Congratulations to Elizabeth Kadetsky, Penn State Associate Professor of Nonfiction and Fiction, for her fourth book The Memory Eaters, winner of the Juniper Prize in Creative Nonfiction, which was published recently on March 31st, 2020 by the University of Massachusetts Press! Her book has been received with great critical acclaim and featured in a variety of blogs and magazines!
In The Memory Eaters, Kadetsky constructs a journey through memory in how it has the capabilities to contradict itself and hold hurt and trauma, yet has the evocative ability to preserve and immortalize the stories and figures we love, through the frame of her family’s cyclical and intergenerational incidents in 1970s-80s New York City to the present. Dinty Moore, author of Between Panic and Desire, praises how Kadetksy’s “precise eye for detail, the lushness of her prose, her relentless and unflinching determination to comprehend a family’s incalculable mysteries, shape a vividly unforgettable memoir of longing and discovery.”
Kadetsky will be hosting and/or be featured in a variety of upcoming virtual and in-person events to promote, read from, and provide further insight on The Memory Eaters, some of which are listed below. For further details and current updates on these events, visit Elizabeth Kadetsky’s website!
April 21 (online event)
Pittsburgh launch, in conversation with Irina Reyn, White Whale Bookstore. 4754 Liberty Ave.
7pm EST
Location: Zoom
Access details: Sign in to Zoom using this ID:
May 9 (live event, check website for more current details)
Hudson, NY, May 9, 7pm, Volume Reading and Music Series at Spotty Dog Books and Ale. 440 Warren St.
Tuesday, May 26 (online event)
Decameron Reading Series with host Brian Gresko and authors Sejal Shah and Lisa Olstein
8pm EST
Location: Zoom
Access details: e-link tbd (Check website for more current details)
June 13 (live event, check website for more current details)
Ithaca, NY, 4pm, with Sejal Shah and Melanie Conroy-Goldman Hamilton, Buffalo Street Books, The Dewitt Mall, 215 North Cayuga St.
June 24 (live event, check website for more current details)
New York City Launch, 6:30pm, in conversation with Betsy Carter, Shakespeare and Company Upper East Side, 939 Lexington Ave. (betw. 68th and 69th)
Nov 12
Penn State University, 7:30pm, Mary K. Rolling reading series, Foster Auditorium, Pattee Library, State College, PA
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